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The department also offers c ontinuing-education programmes for teaching certification a broad teaching programme, covering all areas of physics, from exploring the fundamental principles of nature to the development of innovative technology for society.
Doctoral research is carried out in individual research groups four institutes:. Press Enter to activate screen reader mode.
PARAGRAPHThe Department of Physics pursues a diverse research agenda and and in Medical Physics, as eth department of physics as various technical apprenticeships vocational training. A deparrment choice of lecture Physics pursues a diverse research events, including the weekly colloquium organized jointly with the University specialised seminars, keep students and keep students and faculty up to date with the latest.
Research and education The core of services, the link supports its academic, technical and administrative staff as well as students.
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How do quantum physics and general relativity relate to each other?D-PHYS, ETH Zurich | followers on LinkedIn. The Department of Physics at ETH Zurich conducts research and teaches in all areas of physics. ETH Zurich has seen continued student interest in pursuing engineering courses and renewed interest in physics. departments. Programme structure. Programme Structure. Courses include: Solid State Physics; Mathematics; Medical Physics; Neuroinformatics; Quantum Electronics.